Friday, October 3, 2014


We will be using this page to list after-school activities and late-start morning activities.  If you know of something that we missed, please contact Sarah at

Registration ends Friday 2/13!
Clay sculpture, drawing and painting
Contact:  To register:
Day:  Wednesday late start days (Feb 18, March 18, April 15, and May 20)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  1st - 3rd
Cost:  $55
Note- Open to all students; spots will be filled in a lottery style format.

pH, polymers, physics of light and sound and the three laws of motion
Contact:  To register:
Day:  Wednesday late start days (Feb 18, March 18, April 15, and May 20)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  1st - 3rd
Cost:  $55
Note- Priority will go to TAG identified students who did not get in the first Saturday Academy session and the rest of spots will be filled by lottery.

Math and Logic
Brainteasers, Codes, Optical Illusions and Puzzles
Day:  Wednesday late start days (Feb 18, March 18, April 15, and May 20)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  1st-3rd
Cost: $55
Note- Open to all students; spots will be filled in a lottery style format.


Day:  Wednesday late start days (March 18, April 15, and May 20 - no Feb class)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  1st-3rd
Cost: $41
Note- Open to all students; spots will be filled in a lottery style format.

pH, polymers, physics of light and sound and the three laws of motion
Contact:  To register: 
Day:  Wednesday late start days (Feb 18th, April 15th, May 20th - no class in March)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  4th and 5th
Cost: $41
Note- Open to all students; spots will be filled in a lottery style format.

Math and Logic
Brainteasers, Codes, Optical Illusions and Puzzles
Day:  Wednesday late start days (Feb 18, March 18, April 15, and May 20)
Time:  8:00-10:00
Grade Level:  4th and 5th
Cost: $55
Note- Priority will go to TAG identified students who did not get in the first Saturday Academy session and the rest of spots will be filled by lottery.


Chess Wizards
Contact:  To register:
Day:  Mondays, 4/6/15-6/8/15 
Time:  2:30-3:30
Grade Level:  K-5
Cost: $135


Beginner Spanish
Contact:  Anamaria Beard
Day:  Mondays, entire year
Time: 2:15-3:15
Grade Level: K-5
Cost: $40/month

Intermediate Spanish
Contact:  Anamaria Beard
Day:  Wednesdays, entire year
Time: 2:15-3:15
Grade Level: K-5
Cost: $40/month

Immersion Spanish
Contact:  Anamaria Beard
Day:  Tuesdays, entire year
Time: 2:15-3:15
Grade Level: K-5
Cost: $40/month

Late-Opening Mornings Spanish Club

Contact:  Anamaria Beard
Day:  Late opening Wednesdays, starts 10/15
Time: 8-10
Grade Level: K-5
Cost: $20/session

Mandarin Club
Contact:  Jason Mock
Day:  Thursdays, 10/2-end of May
Time: 2:20-3:50
Grade Level:  K-5
Cost: $175 for Oct – Feb; another $175 for Feb-May
Room:  31


Keyboarding with Kendall
Contact: to register (Please put keyboarding class in the subject line and indicate what day of the week you are interested in)
Day:  offered Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday starting week of 2/23 (6 week sessions) 
Time:  2:20-3:30
Grade Level:  3rd - 5th
Location:  Technology Lab
Cost:  $10/class; $60/session

SCRATCH:  Imagine, Program, Share with Mrs. C
Unlock the secrets of computer programming without writing code!  SCRATCH is an amazing, kid-friendly, open-source development platform from MIT's Media Lab.
Contact: to register (Please put SCRATCH class in the subject line)
Day:  Thursday, 2/26 (6 week session)
Time:  2:20-3:30
Grade Level:  4th and 5th
Location:  Technology Lab
Cost:  $10/class; $60/session

Mad Science
Day:  Tuesdays, 2/17/15-3/31/15 (no class 3/24/15)
Time: 2:30-3:30
Grade Level:  K-5
Cost:  $81  (Save $5 if you register by 2/7/15)

Rose City Astronomy Club (not held at Ainsworth)
Day:    Saturday mornings, 2/14/15, 3/14/15, 4/11/15 and 5/9/15
Grade Level:  5th Grade only 
Cost: $50
Location:  Kennedy School Community Room, 5736 NE 33rd Ave


Young Rembrandt's- Cartooning for Kids
Contact:  To register -
Day:  Thursdays, 4/2/15-6/4/15
Time:  2:20-3:20
Grade Level:  K-5
Cost:  $110

Theater Class
Contact:  To register:  call (503) 223-9744
Day:  Thursdays, 4/2/15-5/7/15
Time:  2:20-3:10
Grade Level:  2nd - 4th Grade
Cost:  $65
Check in downstairs by the Lost and Found
Note.  This class is run by Aftercare but you don't need to be in Aftercare to participate.

Day:  Tuesdays, 1/6/15-3/10/15
Time: 2:15-3:15  GleeKidzPdx
          3:15-4:15  Ukele & Bells
Grade:  K-5
Cost:  $100  ($175 for both classes)

New session starts 3/31 - 6/2
To register:


Lincoln Jr Track and Field
Day:  Mondays and Thursdays, 4/6-5/14
Time:   6:30-7:30
Grade: 3rd - 5th
Cost:    $125

Jazz Dance Class
Contact:  To register:  call (503) 223-9744
Day:  Fridays, 4/3/15-5/8/15
Time:  2:20-3:10
Grade:  Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cost:  $65
Check in at the downstairs lost and found.
Note.  This class is run by Aftercare but you don't need to be in Aftercare to participate.

Girls on the Run
Contact:  Sign up on Jan. 5th at
Day:  Wednesdays and Fridays, 3/9/15-6/1/15
Time:  2:15-3:45
Grade Level:  3-5
Cost: $150 - scholarships available
Girls on the Run is a nationally acclaimed, life-changing, afterschool program for girls in 3rd-5th grade.  Its missions is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.  The 23 lesson curriculum spanning 12 weeks combines training for a 5K running event with lessons that inspire girls to become independent thinkers, enhance their problem solving skills and make healthy decisions.  At the end of each 3 month session, girls complete a Girls on the Run 5K event with the other 600 girls who will be participating in the Portland program this year.   Questions - contact Saskia Lippy at or Lee Salsberg at

Yoga Playgrounds
Contact:  To register:   
Questions:  Leslie Wilda   
Day:   Wednesdays,  4/8/15-6/10/15
Time:  K-2:  2:15-3:15
           3-5:   3:30-4:15
Cost- $130       

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